Monday, January 17, 2011

Which sweeteners won't kill you?

I'll do a better job, I promise!

I recently sent out a survey to our patients to see what we're doing well and where we can improve. The feedback has been very useful.

Among the things most people enjoy about the office:
1. Friendly staff
2. Little to no wait time
3. Wide variety of additional products/services beyond just chiropractic care

Among the things people preferred less:
1. Doctor sometimes seems too busy to spend quality time with patients
2. Hours of operation are too short
3. No massage therapist on site

You spoke, and we listened! We have massage therapy available now. Actually, it's always been available, we just didn't do a good job of letting you know. Plus we have expanded our visit hours:

M 8-11, 3-6
Tu 8-11, 3-6
W closed
Th 8-11, 3-6
F closed
Sat 8-10

I am always open to your comments & suggestions on how we can be of better service.

Thanks for your input!

Dr. Cox

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

FREE advertising for your business in Dr. Cox's newsletter!

Good afternoon!

As most of you know, I send out a monthly printed newsletter to my patients. If you aren't getting yours, let us know and we can make sure you get it.

I want to give something back to help my patients that doesn't involve your health. If you own a business, let me know and I can feature you in the "Dr. Cox's Preferred Businesses" section of my monthly newsletter that goes out to over 1,000 people every month.

There's no charge, just respond to this e-mail and we'll get your info to put in the newsletter ASAP.

Happy 2011, talk soon!

Dr. Cox

Monday, January 10, 2011

Just Do It!

This is a great message for 2011!


Monday, January 3, 2011