Monday, December 26, 2011

2012...More of the Same?


I hope you had a fantastic Christmas weekend and had some time to slow down and relax with your family and/or friends.

This tends to be one of the laziest weeks of the year, between Christmas and New Year's. I like that. It's healthy to take regularly scheduled rest periods in life.

A mentor taught me to spend December each year reflecting on seven areas of life. He said you want to look at where you are in each area, determine where you want to be this time next year, and then begin to work toward those goals. Granted, we don't always reach them as quickly as we want, but it's important to be working toward something.

Here are the seven areas (in no particular order):


I've learned to put together a Be/Do/Have goal for each area. For instance, a goal for my FAMILY may sound like this:

I want to BE an unconditionally loving father, husband, brother, and son. I want to go on (DO) three family vacations this year and teach my daughter how to ride and bike and roller skate. This will create (HAVE) life-long happy memories as we become stronger as a family every day.

A short sentence for each area, re-read every day, will keep you on the path to making 2012 the best year yet.

Happy New Year!

Dr. Cox

P.S. Don't drink too much sparkling grape juice!