Here's the final piece to making permanent positive changes in your life: Control Your Space.
Think about this. Kids with larger plates eat more pasta. Over the last couple of generations, the plates sold in stores have inched larger and larger without anyone noticing. People eat 92% of what is on their plate - regardless of how big it is! If getting healthy is your goal, you can decrease your calorie intake by doing something as simple as using smaller plates!
It seems most Americans are not thinking about how their home’s design affects their family’s behavior. If you ever hope to take control of your life, you’ll have to first take control of your space. If your family life is on the rocks because you don't have enough "quality time" together, consider the placement of your TV in your living room. Is it right in the center where it's easy to flip on an leave on for hours? Consider moving it into another room that's not as easily accessible. Better yet, turn off your TV service for a few months. You will live...I promise.
Another great technique is to Build Fences. Consider these real life examples:
“On the way home from work, I decided I would never drive by Toni’s, my favorite bar. Chances were good I’d see a friend’s car in the parking lot, and I’d be tempted to stop. So I stopped driving by Toni’s.”
“I no longer keep alcohol in my home. If if I do happen to have some, I keep it in the fridge in the garage. I don’t need it calling out to me.”
“I made all visits to the mall off limits unless I had a specific list of items to buy."
These decisions have to be made BY YOU, not by friends, co-workers, loved ones, or family.
Keep good things close and convenient, and bad things distant and difficult. Moving a temptation just a few feet away can have a huge impact on one’s behavior.
If you want to exercise more, keep workout equipment conveniently close in your bedroom or living room, not in the basement or distant gym.
And lastly: Use Cues!
Placing pictures, sticky notes, sayings, etc. in inconspicuous places (bathroom mirror, refrigerator, car dash) can jog your memory throughout the day. Cut out a picture of a person with your dream physique and place it on the fridge. The next time you're tempted to reach for the ice cream, you will see your cue hanging there, which can help you resist the temptation.
Cues become scenery after a while, so you’ll have to change them up on a regular basis.
I hope this helps you to make some great changes in you and your family's life!