Thursday, July 29, 2010

Is your insurance company telling the truth?

I got a notice from the insurance company from whom I purchase my own health insurance. The notice was something to the effect that, due to the rising costs of healthcare, my premiums were going to increase...again.

It just so happens that I am also a contracted provider for the same insurance company (which shall remain nameless). Ironically, I received a notice from the same company shortly thereafter stating that, due to the rising costs of healthcare, my contracted reimbursement rates that I have with them are being reduced...again.

Is it just me, or are things not adding up here. They are charging their members more, yet paying their doctors less. Is the rising cost of healthcare REALLY a rising cost, or is it the insurance companies trying to squeeze their customers and providers?

Furthermore, how would you feel if your current job continued paying you less and less every year for the exact same amount of work you've been doing all along? Not to mention all the extra pre-certifications and needless paperwork required to get claims paid.

I almost wish that insurance would disappear altogether. It would bring costs WAY down and eliminate all the beuracratic garbage with the insurance companies.

Food for thought...